So you have been placed on an eComm project. Now what? Follow along this guide to learn the basics. Get started with your eComm journey and learn about our eComm support system.
How Do I Process an Item?
Once you have completed your tasks on an item in your Ball-in-Court you are ready to process the item to the next step. To process the item click the “Process” button at the top of the page and it will take you to the bottom of the page. Once there, click the “Save and Submit” or “Save and Close” button to move the item to the next step.

How Do I Share an Item?
When you share a specific item with another project member eComm can notify them by sending a message when you use the “Share” function. To share it simply click on the specific item. Then, at the top of the page select the “Share” button. From there, select which contacts to share with and enter your message. To finalize, hit the “Share” button at the bottom of the page. Sharing an item gives the project member view access but not processing rights.

How Do I View the Plans and Specifications for a Project?
To find the plans and specifications for a project go to the Project Dashboard for the individual project. On the dashboard, click the Document Library button at the top of the page. From there you can view any plans, specifications, or addenda that have been added to the Document Library.
What is the Difference Between My Dashboard and My Projects
The My Dashboard page will show you any items you have posted or any items in your workflow. The Project Dashboard page will similarly show you items you have posted or are in the workflow but only for that particular project you have selected.

How Do I Update My Profile Information?
To make changes to your profile navigate to the My Account tab at the top of the page. Hover over My Account and you will see a drop-down menu. Click “My Profile” and that will take you to your profile page where you can update your information. To update any piece of information you just need to type in the text box and once you are done click “Update Contact” on the left side of the screen.

How Do I Upload My Digital Signature?
You can use a digital signature to sign PDF files in eComm. To upload your digital signature, navigate to the My Account tab at the top of the screen. Click on the My Profile button. On the right side of that screen, you will have the ability to browse for a file or drag/drop the signature. Once complete, click “Add Signature” to save to your profile.
How Do I Apply My Signature or Stamp to a Document?
To apply your digital signature to a PDF document in eComm, first navigate to the specific item. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page under the Attachments section. To the right of the attachment will be a button called “Attach Stamp/Signature.” Clicking this button will open the PDF and toolbar allowing you to edit the document. Click on “Image” in the top left corner, then click on your signature. Lastly, select where on the document you want to place the signature. You will have the option to resize your signature. Once complete, click the blue floppy disk icon on the left toolbar to save the document.
How Do I Send an Item in My Court Back to the Previous Step?
If you have an item in your “Ball in Court” that needs to go back to a previous step for more information, missing documents, etc. this is possible with eComm. The “Send Back a Step” button is located near the top of the page by the “Process” and “Share” buttons. Click “Send Back a Step,” then in the drop-down menu select the specific step needed. Finally, type a message explaining why it is being sent back, then press “Revert Item.”

How Do I View Closed Items?
The My Dashboard and Project Dashboard pages default to show active items. To view items that have been closed, navigate to the Dashboard View filter located above the list of items. From there, select the drop-down menu to adjust the filter to show Open Items or All Project Activity at varying time intervals. Finally, select All Project Activity (Any Time) to see every viewable item on the project including closed items.
How Do I Replace or Delete a File?
To replace a file, navigate to the Attachments section at the bottom of the item page. On the right side of the screen, next to the Mark Up Tool, you will find the Replace section. Then, browse your computer or drag/drop your new file. Once selected you can Save or Process your item and the new document will replace the previous one. To delete a file you need to tick the box under the Delete column by the attachment. Scroll to the bottom and Save or Process the item to delete that file.
Files that have been replaced or deleted are not gone forever and can still be accessed if needed. This is not to be confused with permanent Item deletion.
Please navigate to the eComm FAQ section of our website for more tips and a growing database of helpful information. You can get there by going here.